2010-2011 AT&T NC Teacher of the Year Team

From Left to Right: Vann Lassiter (Northeast Region) • RenĂ© Herrick (North Central Region) • Courtney Davis (Piedmont-Triad/Central Region) • Amber Alford Watkins (Sandhills/South Central Region) • Joy Jenkins (Northwest Region) • Dorothy Case (West Region) • Jennifer Facciolini (Southeast Region) • David Dahari (Southwest Region) • Stuart Miles (Charter Schools) For more information on any team member or on the AT&T North Carolina Teacher of the Year Program, please click the photograph below.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Your past does not have to define your future

Over the past month, I have spent some time talking with at-risk youth in high schools, youth in youth detention facilities and former students. One of the common themes that seemed to occur over and over again was the past. I was so saddened by the fact that so many of these students felt they could not overcome their "reputations" and that their past would ultimately decide their future. "I have been known as a trouble maker since 2nd grade and everyone sees me as trouble" said one young man. "It doesn't matter what happens, I get the blame" said another. "My dad is in prison and I just need to accept that is where I will end up" said another. I was shocked. I know we have all read about self-fullfilling prophecy and so forth; however, to hear a young adult articulate the idea was a bit difficult to hear. At first I was sad and then I became frustrated. Why can these students not see that their past does not have to define their future? Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. We all do this. We all dwell on our past mistakes and let ourselves make judgements about our futures and the future of others. Our past cannot hold us back. We must accept that we all make mistakes. We have all done things we probably should not have done. But, we cannot live in the past. We cannot allow ourselves or our students to believe that our future is already decided because of previous and poor choices. Yes, there are consequences for our choices - good and bad. However, as Forrest Gump's momma says, "you make your own destiny." I have a challenge for you: Help at least one student move past his/her previous reputation. If we don't label our students, we can help them realize that each day is a new day and brings with it the opportunity of a new start.

Your past does not have to define your future. Pass it on.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer,

    I listened to you speak today in Person County. You were so full of energy and incredibly inspiring. I know that our group seemed a little withdrawn, but, let me tell you, I think it was because we were in awe of your very presence! Your passion is evident and it radiates from you. Because of you, I am ready to start tomorrow morning with an extra dose of "magic".

    This blog reminds me of one of my favorite quotes; "Live your life through the front windshield and not the rear-view mirror." It applies to everyone. :)

    Thank you for being a true Glinda!
    Ms. York
